Birthdays, meetings, picnics, festivals, weddings, Valentine’s Day, New Year, corporate events, exhibitions, concerts.

promocje1Create a unique atmosphere for your events. After all, people can easily remember the pleasurable moments, joy and happiness they experience in life.

Using two-layer heat-insulating cups you can give a message to participants of the events and make a festive atmosphere special. The structure of our cups has been designed with a special focus on using the printing area, and the quality of print matches that in glossy magazines. In addition, our cups have an appealing heat- insulating layer so your guests can enjoy hot drinks with no risk of burning hands.

Rozpocznij tam gdzie jesteś. Wykorzystaj to co masz. - Arthur Ashe
Twoje życie staje się lepsze nie przez przypadek,
ale dzięki zmianie - Jim Rohn